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1765.1A MAP OF THE COUNTRY ON THE OHIO AND MUSKINGUM RIVERS, SHEWING THE SITUATION OF THE INDIAN TOWNS WITH RESPECT TO THE ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF COLONEL BOUQUET, by Thos. Hutchins Asst. Engineer. There are two maps on one page, the second is titled: A TOPOGRAPHICAL PLAN OF THAT PART OF THE INDIAN COUNTRY THROUGH WHICH THE ARMY UNDER THE COMMAND OF COLONEL BOUQUET MARCHED IN THE YEAR 1764. This map was published in An Historical Account of the Expedition Against the Ohio Indians.... by William Smith, William Bradford, Philadelphia 1765, (London 1766) along with several other maps illustrating the expedition of Henry Bouquet and his battle against the Indians at Bushy Run near Pittsburgh. It shows routes of march and rivers and is reproduced in Brown #45. The image here is from Jeffrey's A general topography of North America and the West Indies published in 1768, from the Library of Congress, and differs somewhat from the page in Smith which can be seen in Schwartz (1994). It depicts the region from the Allegheny Front west to the Sioto River in Ohio. The routes of march of Braddock, Forbes, and Bouquet are shown, which were the major military expeditions into western Pennsylvania by the British in the 1750's and 60's. On the bottom is an enlargement of Bouquet's route. There is a large manuscript version of this map in the Clements Library prepared by Bernard Ratzer from Hutchins, Guthorn (1972) #65-9.
1765.2 PLAN OF THE BATTLE NEAR BUSHY-RUN gained by His Majesty's troops, commanded by Colonel Henry Bouquet over the Delaware, Shawanese, Mingoes, Wyandots, Mohikons, Miamies & Ottawas, on the 5th and 6th: of August, 1763. From an actual survey by Thos: Hutchins Assistant Engineer. This topographical map also appeared in Smith's Historical Account... ; which also included a layout of the plan of battle. Both are illustrated in Schwartz (1994). The image here is from Jeffrey's A General Topography ... in the Library of Congress.< Wheat & Brun #424.
  1765.3 PLAN OF THE INDIAN COUNTRY THROUGH WHICH THE TROOPS MARCHD IN 1764 UNDER THE COMMAND OF COL. HENRY BOUQUET. Copy'd from ye. original by Lt. Ratzer. The original referred to is the map above, 1765.1, and this is a manuscript map of about half of the bottom map. It is illustrated in Brown #39, and the original is in the William Clements Library.
1765.4 A MAP OF THE BRITISH DOMINIONS IN NORTH AMERICA AS SETTLED BY THE LATE TREATY OF PEACE 1763. I. Ridge scu. This map by John Ridge appeared in The Modern Gazetteer by Richard Brooks published in Dublin 1765 (McCorkle #765.2). It is similar to the 1758 map by Ridge (1758.7) but with the title changed and other modifications reflecting the terms of the Paris treaty ending the French & Indian War. There is also an inset of southern Florida added. This map also appeared in Dublin editions of Charlevoix's Voyages..., 1766. It shows the eastern United States and southern Canada from Newfoundland to Florida and beyond the Mississippi. Pennsylvania extends north to 43 degrees with an irregular western boundary the mirror image of the eastern. Philadelphia and Fort Duquesne are named, along with Logstown and Venango. Longitude west from London, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 175 miles. Size: 11 x 15 inches.
  1765.5 LOUISIANA, AS FORMERLY CLAIMED BY FRANCE, NOW CONTAINING PART OF BRITISH AMERICA TO THE EAST & SPANISH AMERICA TO THE WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI. From the best authorities by T. Kitchin, geogr. This map is from the London Magazine of June, 1765. It covers the area from Lake Michigan to the Gulf and Chesapeake Bay to beyond the Mississippi. Seller & van Ee #724
  1765.6 (Eastern Pennsylvania) An untitled manuscript map of uncertain date believed to be a preliminary draft for William Scull's 1770 map, as it seems to date after Nicholas Scull's 1759 map. On the verso is written "W. Bowen Engraver Charter House Lane." Dated circa 1765 in Simonetti #349.
  1765.7 A MAP OF THE COUNTRY FROM THE WESTERN LAKES TO THE EAFTERN PARTS OF THE CENTER COLONIES OF NORTH AMERICA. This map is illustrated in Swift (2001) and shows the northeast from Lake Michigan to the coast. It is notable for the hachures giving the mountains a three-dimensional look. The map appears to be a manuscript and is attributed by Swift to William Brasier, with copies by John Chamberlain and Thomas Smart.
1765.8 (John Rocque's Plans) Before he died in 1762 John Rocque prepared A Set of Plans and Forts in America. Reduced from Actual Surveys. This work provided the plans of all the frontier forts Rocque could lay hands on. The plans for Fort Bedford and Fort Pitt are illustrated in Schwartz (1994); Fort Ligonier was also included and is the image shown here. The other forts were in New York and Canada. After Rocque's death, his wife Mary Ann published the work in 1765 in London. This work is on line at A Set of Plans and Forts in America, 1765 . In 1896 the state government published Report of the Commission to Locate the Sites of the Frontier Forts of Pennsylvania, a large and detailed two volume work. Rocque also made a large two sheet map of North America which can be seen at Darlington Library dated 1763.
1765.9 CANTONMENT OF HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES IN N. AMERICA. This is a manuscript map of eastern North America in the Library of Congress. See map 1767.3 below.
1766.1 A NEW & ACCURATE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA, INCLUDING THE BRITISH ACQUISITIONS GAIN'D BY THE LATE WAR, 1763, from John Entick's The General History of the Late War, vol. I, 3d ed., London, 1766 (McCorkle #766.2). The 'late war' is the French & Indian War. The map shows the eastern United States with a cutoff Florida and southern Canada, like others from this era. Pennsylvania extends to the 43rd parallel and its western boundary matches the eastern. "Pitsburg" is named along with "Buffler T." and Venango on the Allegheny. Numerous Indian tribes and forts are identified. Blank verso, longitude west from Greenwich. Scale: 1 inch = 265 miles. Size: 7.75 x 9 inches.
1766.2 A NEW AND ACCURATE MAP OF THE BRITISH DOMINIONS IN AMERICA, according to the Treaty of 1763; divided into the several provinces and jurisdictions. Projected upon the best authorities and astronomical observations. By Thos. Kitchin geographer. Printed for Andw. Millar opposite Katherine Street in the Strand. The dating of this map of the eastern United States is uncertain, McCorkle (#766.1) dates it 1766, Sellers & van Ee (#104) date it 1763. It appeared in several publications in the 1760s as given by McCorkle. Pennsylvania has a northern boundary at about 42d 30m and an irregular western boundary that is the mirror image of the eastern. This image is from the Library of Congress.
  1766.3 A PLAN OF THE RIVER OHIO FROM FORT PITT TO THE MISSISSIPPI, by order of ye Chief Engineer; Tho: Hutchins assist. draughtsman. This is a large and long (72 x 34 inches) colored manuscript strip map based on a 1766 trip under Captain Harry Gordon, the Chief Engineer referred to. The original is in the Clements Library, Guthorn (1972) #65-7.
1767.1 NEW ENGLAND NEW YORK NEW JERSEY AND PENNSILVANIA.This map of the northeast from Maine to Maryland was published in A New Geographical and Historical Grammar ... by Thomas Salmon, Edinburgh: James Meuros, 1767 (McCorkle #767.2). Pennsylvania is shown with no detail to just beyond the Susquehanna River, which is marked 'P. of the Iroquots'. This appears to be a later version of the Moll 1708 map which was published by Moll as late as 1736. It has a small drawing of ships in the lower right corner and offshore shoal lines are prominently marked. Shoal areas were of especial interest to fishermen. Longitude west from London. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 50 miles. Size: 8 x 10 inches.
1767.2 (Eastern North America) This untitled French map of small scale showing eastern North America appeared in Geographie Moderne by Jean Baptiste Louis Clouet, published in Paris, 1767. The colonies and a few towns, including Philadelphia, are named. The purpose of the map was simply to delineate French from British territory. It is untitled presumably because it is surrounded by text, McCorkle #767.1. The coverage extends from Greenland to Florida and west to beyond the Mississippi. Just a section including Pennsylvania is shown here, the state and Philadelphia are named. The Geographie Moderne was published up to 1793 with many of the same maps. Longitude east from Ferro, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 190 miles. Size: Sheet - 17 x 23 inches; map - 12.5 x 13.5 inches.
  1767.3 CANTONMENT OF HIS MAJESTY'S FORCES IN N. AMERICA according to the disposition now made & to be compleated as soon as practicable taken from the general distribution dated at New York 29th. March 1766. With the alterations to summer 1767 done in yellow. By Dan Paterson, asst. qr. mr. genl. This is a manuscript map of eastern North America with no detail except what is described in the title. It is illustrated in Sellers & van Ee #118 and in Brown #46 and is in the Library of Congress. An earlier manuscript version dated 1765 also exists, see map 1765.9 above.
  1767.4 TINICUM ISLAND, July 4, 1767. A map of the island on which the first Swedish settlement in Pennsylvania occurred. Simonetti #417.
1768.1 MASON AND DIXON'S SURVEY - 1768. This is possibly the most famous map in Pennsylvania history, the record of the survey by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon that established the 'Mason - Dixon Line'. The original printing was in two separate maps: 1) A PLAN OF THE BOUNDARY LINES between the Province of Maryland and the Three Lower Counties on Delaware with Part of The Parallel of Latitude which is the boundary between the Provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania. 2) A PLAN OF THE WEST LINE or Parallel of Latitude, which is the Boundary between the Provinces of Maryland and Pensylvania. J. Smither sculpt. This image is from a reproduction of the original published in 1887 by the Pennsylvania Secretary of Internal Affairs in a report that contained maps of all the state boundaries. Only a portion of this large map (76 x 27 inches, scale: 1" = 4 miles) is shown here, the southeast corner of the state on the south by a circle drawn at twelve miles distance from New Castle, northward and westward unto the beginning of the fortieth degree of northern latitude, and then by a straight line westward, as the Pennsylvania charter says. Of course the fortieth parallel was not used, Mason & Dixon ran the (approximate) latitude of 39 degrees 43 minutes, 20 seconds. The map shows the small triangle of land extending southward between Maryland and the Delaware circle. This was known as the 'Delaware Wedge'; it ran south about 3 miles and contained about 800 acres. It was claimed by both Delaware and Pennsylvania until 1921 when it was conceded to Delaware. When examining maps of Pennsylvania, it is interesting to see what the mapmaker did with this little triangle, that is, whether he gave it to Pennsylvania, Maryland, or Delaware. As surveyors, Mason & Dixon kept a detailed journal of their work with the result that many books have been written about the survey, see Cummings for example. There were two original manuscript maps of the survey which, for some reason, were left in the private possession of Benjamin Chew who was appointed commissioner by the Penns and later became attorney general and chief justice. One showing the Maryland-Delaware line and the 12 mile circle is now in Princeton University Library. The second, showing the straight line west, got into the private market and in 2002 sold at auction for over half a million dollars. The printed versions of the original maps are illustrated in Papenfuse & Coale.
1768.2 A MAP OF THAT PART OF AMERICA WHERE A DEGREE OF LATITUDE WAS MEASURED FOR THE ROYAL SOCIETY BY CHA: MASON & JERE: DIXON. Before Mason & Dixon began their boundary survey, they determined the length of a degree of latitude and wrote an article titled "Introduction to the following Observations, made by Messieurs Charles Mason & Jeremiah Dixon, for determining the Length of a Degree of Latitude, in the Provinces of Maryland and Pennsylvania, in North America," published in The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 1768. The article was accompanied by a map (about 7 x 4 inches) of the Chesapeake and Delaware Bay region including southeastern Pennsylvania. The same map appeared in the November, 1769, issue of Gentleman's Magazine.
1768.3 A NEW AND ACCURATE MAP OF NORTH AMERICA, drawn from the famous Mr. D'Anville with improvements from the best English maps; and engraved by R. W. Seale; also the new divisions according to the late Treaty of Peace. by Peter Bell geor. 1768. Printed for Carington Bowles, Map & printseller, No. 69 in St. Pauls Church Yard. London. All of the many maps showing eastern North America from Newfoundland to Florida and west to the Mississippi derive their layout from the 1755 maps of John Mitchell and D'Anville; at least this one supplies a credit. Bell has Pennsylvania extending north past Lake Erie with peculiar boundaries. Virginia, the Carolinas, and Georgia extend to the Mississippi. The plate went through various changes as discussed by McCorkle #768.1, 771.1, 795.1, also Sellers & van Ee #119, 745. This image is from the Library of Congress.
1768.4 THE PROVINCES OF NEW YORK, AND NEW JERSEY; WITH PART OF PENSILVANIA, AND THE GOVERNMENTS OF TROIS RIVIERS, AND MONTREAL; Drawn by Capt. Holland. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, geographer to His Majesty. Printed for Robt. Sayer in Fleet Street, and T. Jefferys in the Strand. This large and well known map contains only a portion of eastern Pennsylvania, though the state is shown as extending north to the 43rd parallel. The dating is uncertain, McCorkle (#768.3, 775.6, 776.13) dates it 1768 with subsequent versions following Sellers & van Ee (#1039-40, 1042-43, 1045-46), who give some of the history behind it; also in Phillips page 674, 676 dated 1768, 1776. The counties in Pennsylvania are named including Northampton, which by inference includes an enormous amount of territory to the 43rd parallel. In the 1770s, the map was updated by Governor Thomas Pownall of New York and this image is the 1776 version from the Library of Congress. Copies of both the 1768 and 1776 versions can be seen at the Darlington Library.
1768.5 MAP OF THE FRONTIERS OF THE NORTHERN COLONIES WITH THE BOUNDARY LINE ESTABLISHED BETWEEN THEM AND THE INDIANS AT THE TREATY HELD BY S. WILL JOHNSON AT FT. STANWIX IN NOVR. 1768, corrected and improved from Evans map by Guy Johnson, Dep. Agt. of Ind. Affairs. This image is from A Documentary History of the State of New York Vol. I, by E. B. O'Callaghan, Albany 1849. It is listed in Phillips page 582, and discussed by Schwartz & Ehrenberg who say Johnson's original maps were destroyed in a fire at Albany and only the copies from O'Callaghan's history remain. However, Swift (2001) reproduces a copy of this map from the Public Record Office in London which appears to be an original, as does Hayes (Map 130). Hayes (Map 129) also reproduces an untitled manuscript map of the eastern United States, also in the PRO archives and also dated 1768, which shows a different boundary line, see map 1768.9 below. Fite & Freeman reproduce another map from O'Callaghan and include some discussion of this one. The map extends from New York to northern Virginia and there is an inset map of the remaining part of the Ohio River. This treaty with the Indians occurred following their defeat at the Battle of Bushy Run and was an attempt to establish a definitive line between what belonged to the Indians and the white man. The treaty had no real meaning as settlers were already across the line in New York and Pennsylvania. The boundary line is traced in red and follows the course of the Ohio river north to Pittsburgh, the Allegheny north to Kittanning, the Purchase Line east to the west branch of the Susquehanna River at Cherry Tree, thence across the east branch to the Delaware River and north to Ft. Stanwix (present day Rome, New York). The Indians were to have the lands to the west and the settlers the lands to the east. The map has little detail, but locates settlements and towns, marshes, highlands, mountains and rivers. Only the portion encompassing Pennsylvania is shown here. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 35 miles. Size: 11 x 17 inches.
  1768.6 A PLAN OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Engraved & publish'd... by T. Jeffreys. A map that appeared in Jeffreys' General Topography, London 1768. This map includes the famous view "An East Prospect of the City Of Philadelphia..." by Scull & Heap. See map 1753.4. Sellers & van Ee #1310
1768.7 (The Orme Maps) Captain Robert Orme was General Braddock's aide-de-camp, and he prepared a series of sketches and maps circa 1755, which were eventually engraved and published in Thomas Jeffrey's A General Topography of North America and the West Indies, London 1768. One was a map of the route of march which had previously appeared in a London magazine, see map 1759.2. Others were sketches of the army dispositions during march; and one was A PLAN OF THE FIELD OF BATTLE AND DISPOSITION OF THE TROOPS, as they were on the March at the Time of the Attack on the 9th of July 1755, which depicted the battle near Fort Duquesne. Six of these maps are reproduced in Schwartz (1994). The battle map from Jeffreys in the Library of Congress is shown here. Jeffreys' work is online at the Library of Congress: A General Topography , where all of the Orme maps from Braddock's campaign can be seen. The original manuscripts of Orme's maps are in the British Library and the Library of Congress has photocopies, see Docktor #255O6.01.
1768.8 A MAP OF NORTH AMERICA FROM THE LATEST SURVEYS AND MAPS BY JOHN BLAIR LLD & F.R.S. as a supplement to His Tables of Chronology. Another map of the east coast to the Mississippi. This map is from The Chronology and History of the World by John Blair, London 1768, 1788. McCorkle #768.2. Image from Heritage Map Museum CD by permission.
1768.9 (Eastern United States) This manuscript map is reproduced in Hayes (Map 129) and is now in the British National Archives (Public Record Office). The copy shown here is a mid-19th century facsimile, probably from O'Callaghan. At bottom is "Copied from the original annexed to the report and representation of the Board of Trade, dated 7 March 1768." The map shows the eastern United States from Maine to Florida and west to the Mississippi. It appears to show the 1768 purchase line boundaries. Blank verso, longitude west from London. Scale: 1 inch = 85 miles. Size: 22 x 18.5 inches (this copy).
1769.1 NIEUWE KAART VAN KANADA DE LANDEN AAN DE HUDSONS-BAAY EN DE NOORDWESTELYKE DEELEN VAN NOORD-AMERIKA. Te Amsterdam By Isaac Tirion. 1769. This map is from Hedendaagsch historie of tegenwordige staat van Amerika, a Dutch edition of Thomas Salmon. It also appeared in Tirion' s Nieuwe en Beknopte Hand-Atlas. The map is a copy of Jefferys' important map of Canada and the Great Lakes region (1760.1). Inset of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The map extends south to 40 degrees and Philadelphia is shown just above the neat line. The western part of the map is shown here. McCorkle #769.2. Originally folded, blank verso, longitude west from Ferro. Scale: 1 inch = 130 miles. Size: 12 x 17 inches.
1769.2 A PLAN OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, WITH THE COUNTRY ADJACENT. J. Gibson Scu: VOL.V. P.20. This map appeared in volume 5 of The World Displayed or a Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels..., London, T. Newberry & F. Carnan. This work was apparently published in 20 volumes and several editions from circa 1760-90. Phillips, page 698, dates the map to the third edition and 1769 and that dating is used here although it may have appeared in earlier or later editions. The map is an early small plan of the city and region showing roads and some houses. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch ~ 1 mile. Size: 2.5 x 4.5 inches.
  1769.3 ALIGANY. COPIED FROM A MAP OF DOCTOR WALKERS LAID BEFORE THE ASSEMBLY. This is a manuscript map in the Library of Congress known as the "Walker-Washington Map." It was apparently drawn by George Washington based on surveys done by Doctor Walker. It shows the region west of the Alleghenies and south of Lake Erie, which Virginia considered its territory at the time. All of western Pennsylvania is included and the course of the Allegheny-Ohio River is prominent. It is illustrated in Schwartz & Ehrenberg.
  1769.4 DRAUGHT OF THE WEST BRANCH OF SUSQUEHANNA, TAKEN FROM CAPT. PATTERSON. 1 April 1769. This manuscript map was found under #45 in the map archives of the American Philosophical Society attributed to Joseph Shippen, Jr. It is one of five maps in the Society collections attributed to Shippen while serving under Colonel Joseph Burd during the French & Indian War. It was apparently copied from an earlier map.
  1769.5 (Lycoming County) An untitled manuscript survey map of Montour's Reserve along the West Branch of the Susquehanna at Loyalsock Creek held in the Pennsylvania Archives and reproduced on page 82 in Shirk. There are many manuscript survey maps like this surviving; this one is especially notable because it is signed by William Scull.
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