WELCOME 1785 to 1789 Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

1785.1 CARTE GENERALE DES TREIZE ETATS-UNIS INDEPENDANTS DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTETRIONALE POUR SERVIR AU SPECTATEUR AMERICAIN 1785. Only the Pennsylvania region is shown; the complete map depicts the east coast from Maine to the Carolinas. The map is from Joseph Mandrillon's Le spectateur am ricain, published by E. Flon, Amsterdam 1785, according to the Library of Congress from where this image comes (Sellers & van Ee #759). Originally by Rigobert Bonne, it first appeared in 1782 (map 1782.3) and previously in Le spectateur (McCorkle #784.9). See McCorkle #785.1, who illustrates several versions. The map is behind the times as Pittsburgh is called 'Ft. Duquesne.' Pennsylvania is given a western boundary from 'Sandoske Ft.' to the Ohio River and then following the Monongahela down to Maryland. An image of this map can be seen at MapForum.Com , Issue 1, where it is dated 1783 and said to come from Alexander Cluny's Le Voyageur Americain.
  1785.2 CARTE DES ETATS UNIS. A map of the eastern United States covered with line shading and letters which refer to accompanying tables. McCorkle #785.2
  1785.3 CARTE GENERALE DES TREIZE ETATS UNIS, DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE KAART VAN DE DERTIEN VERENIGDE STAATEN, IN NOORD AMERIKA. a Amsterdam chez C. Mortier & J. Covens et fils. A map with both French and Dutch titles that covers the familiar territory from Newfoundand to Florida and west. Pennsylvania extends to 43 degrees with its western boundary ending at the Forks of the Ohio. This map can be seen at MapForum.Com , Issue 1, dated circa 1783, and described as a republishing of the Covens & Mortier copy of John Mitchell's map with "United States" added to the title. McCorkle #785.3; Sellers & van Ee #760.
1785.4 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, agreeable to the Peace of 1783. Engraved for Guthries New System of Geography. Publish'd as the Act directs June 15th. 1785 by C. Dilly and G. Robinson, London. Wm. Darton sc. Tottenham. This map of the eastern United States to the Mississippi appeared in several editions of Guthrie's book. Pennsylvania's boundary extends north to Lake Ontario with an uneven western boundary. McCorkle#785.4; Sellers & van Ee #748. Blank verso, longitude west from London. Scale: 1 inch = 102 miles. Size: 13.75 x 15.25 inches.
1785.5 ETATS-UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE Avec les Isles Royale, de Terre Neuve, de St. Jean, l'Acadie &c. 1785. Supplement a l'Atlas de M. Robert de Vaugondy a Paris chez Boudet Imprimeur du Roi. This map of the eastern United States appears in editions of the Atlas Universel. The lower right corner table details the proposed states of the new United States. Later states of this map attribute it to Delamarche in the title, rather than Boudet, and the work on this map was probably done by him. This edition, with Boudet's name is most likely the first state issued in 1785 just before Vaugondy's death. The scale at the bottom appears to be inaccurate when compared to the scale derived from measuring latitude lines. Colorful hand colored cartouche. An image can be seen at mapforum.com , Issue 1; and also at the Darlington Library. Mccorkle #785.5; Sellers & van Ee #187, 761. Intaglio print. Longitude west from Ferro, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 120 miles. Size: 18.5 x 24.5 inches.
1785.6 KAART VAN HET NOORDLYK GEDEELTE DER VEREENIGDE STAATEN VAN NOORD AMERIKA. This map appears in a Dutch atlas by W. A. Bachiene and is attributed by McCorkle (#785.8) to J. van Jagen. It resembles Bonne's map 1782.2. The northeast is shown from Maine to Virginia and west to Ohio. Pennsylvania has no north or south boundaries, and the boundaries that are shown are weird. The coloring on this copy is likely not original. There is a companion map of the northeast and maritime provinces: KAART VAN HET EILAND TERRE-NEUVE, VAN NIEUW SCHOTLAND, HET EILAND ST. JAN EN HET OOSTELYK GEDEELTE VAN KANADA where a small slice of Pennsylvania appears in the bottom left corner.There is also companion map of the Great Lakes KAART VAN HET WESTELYK GEDEELTE VAN KANADA..., also similar to Bonne's map 1782.1. The maps are from Atlas tot Opheldering der Hedendaagsche Historie from Bachiene. Longitude is west from Paris at the bottom and east from Ferro at the top. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 65 miles. Size: 8.5 x 12.75 inches.
1785.7 A MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF N. AMERICA. Philada. Engraved by H. D. Pursell for F. Bailey's Pocket Almanac. The title gives the source; the map was later used in a history by John M'Culloch, a geography by Benjamin Workman, and was copied for a German book (McCorkle #788.5). It shows the United States to beyond the Mississippi. The western territories are cut up into potential states with names like Metropotamia, Illincia, Polypotamia, Michigania, Mississippia, Saratoga. The image here is from Winsor. McCorkle #785.11; Wheat & Brun #113,115.
  1785.8 SURVEY OF LOT NO. 121 IN DISTRICT NO. 7 BY WM. POWER FOR E. HAND, 500 ACRES, 20TH JULY 1785. This is a manuscript map prepared by the surveyor Power. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of these surveyor maps from the 18th century and this one is listed only because it appears in Sellers & van Ee #1305.
1785.9 CARTE DES ETATS-UNIS D'AMERIQUE ET DU COURS DU MISSISSIPPI. A map by Louis Brion de la Tour, Paris circa 1785, which is a reduced version of a larger map of the same title (1783.3) and appeared in volume 116 of the Histoire Universel. The area from Maine to a cutoff Florida and west to beyond the Mississippi is covered. Frankland in western North Carolina predates the appearance of Tennessee. Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia extend to the Mississippi, though "Kentucke" is named. A large area in the old Northwest is identified as land ceded to the United States. "Kansez" and "Tecas" are named. Pennsylvania's boundary does not extend to Lake Erie and the other state boundaries are no better. Longitude from Paris at bottom, Ferro at top, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 185 miles. Size: 9 x 10.5 inches.
  1785.10 In Pursuance to the instructions of the Gentlemen Commissioners of the State of Pennsylvania, I have made AN ACCURATE SURVEY OF THE RIVER DELAWARE AND ITS NAVIGABLE BRANCHES and at the request of Moore Furman ... on the part of the State of New Jersey, by Redding Howell, 1785. A manuscript map in the New Jersey Department of State by Reading (or Redding) Howell who made the very famous 1792 map of Pennsylvania, see Docktor #285H5.
  1785.11 (Eastern North America) This untitled and anonymous French map was seen at auction dated circa 1785. It dates to the early 1780s or later because the United States (Etats-Unis) is identified. All of eastern North America from Labrador to Florida and west to the Mississippi is shown. The map is plain and simple with relatively few place names and measures about 14 x 12 inches.
  1785.12 DIE VEREINIGTON STAATEN VON NORD AMERICA. nach der von Wm. Faden 1783, herausgegebenen Charte.....des Friedenschlusses von 1783 beshtinunt sind. This German map comes from Gechichte der Revolution von Nord America von M. C. Sprengel, 1785. It is based on a map by Faden as indicated and the original English is mostly retained except for the titles. The map shows the eastern United States (and southern Canada) west to beyond the Mississippi with an inset of Newfoundland. Florida is cutoff.
1785.13 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AGREEABLE TO THE PEACE OF 1783. An anonymous map of unknown date and origin, though probably English, this map is based on old information circa the 1750s. Pennsylvania is shown extending up to Lake Ontario for example. It was probably hastily issued to show the newly formed United States and so is dated circa 1785 here although it could date a little later. This copy is closely trimmed to the neat line and shows signs of being folded. The states are outlined in hand color. Blank verso but with a faint imprint of text visible. Intaglio print; longitude west from London. There is a mismatch between the printed scale and the scale as given by longitude lines, another indication it was quickly made and issued. Scale: 1 inch = 103 miles. Size: 8 x 9 inches.
1786.1 WESTERN BOUNDARY FROM S. W. CORNER TO 100TH MILESTONE - 1786. Mason & Dixon (see 1768.1) had ended their survey 230 miles from the beginning of the West Line. The land beyond this point was considered Virginia, not Maryland. But Pennsylvania also had a claim to said land to extend westward five degrees in longitude, as the charter said. In 1784 Pennsylvania and Virginia sponsored a survey to establish a southern boundary by simply extending the Mason & Dixon line westward. The western terminus was set at about 80d 31m 20s to give Pennsylvania its full 5 degrees of longitude. The following year the same surveying team ran a line northward 100 miles along this longitude to establish a western boundary between Virginia and Pennsylvania. This map shows the southwestern corner of the state resulting from the surveys. The image is from a reproduction of the original map published in 1887 by the Pennsylvania Secretary of Internal Affairs in a report that contained maps of all the state boundaries. Scale: 1 inch = 0.5 mile. Size: 29 X 16 inches. The Pennsylvania State Archives has a manuscript version, see Docktor #286P2.
1786.2 CARTE POUR SERVIR AU JOURNAL DE MR. LE MQUIS. DE CHASTELLUX redigee par Mr. Dezoteux officier dans l'Etat Major de l'Armee. Aldring sculp. This simple map appeared in Chastellux's Voyages..., Paris 1786. There were several versions illustrated by McCorkle #786.1, 787.4. The English version is Travels in North-America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782. By the Marquis de Chastellux. Tr. from the French by an English gentleman, who resided in America at that period. With notes by the translator; Dublin, printed for Colles, Moncrieffe, White, H. Whitestone, Byrne, Cash, Marchbank, Henry, and Moore, 1787. The French title of the map is also in English. Pennsylvania just makes it onto the western edge. There is an accompanying map of the Middle Atlantic region with the same title; southeast Pennsylvania just makes it onto the top of it. These English versions are shown below as map 1787.16. Scale: 1 inch ~ 50 miles. Size: 7.25 x 9.5 inches.
  1786.3 A NEW MAP OF THE UNITED STATES... Robt. Sayer 10 June 1786. This is a reissue of map 1774.4 with a new title containing "United States." McCorkle #786.2
  1786.4 (Bethlehem) This is a manuscript surveyed land map in German with an indistinct title online at the Bethlehem Digital History Project and dated 1786.
  1786.5 (Pennsylvania - New York Boundary) The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has several manuscript maps relating to the Pennsylvania - New York border survey circa 1786, see Docktor #286E5, #286E5.01, #290A5; also #286E5.02. Reproductions of these were also published in the 1887 report by the Pennsylvania Secretary of Internal Affairs mentioned above.
  1786.6 BUTLER COUNTY. A manuscript map at the Darlington Library has this title in handwriting at the top. The library titles the map 'Donation lands of western Pennsylvania' and dates it circa 1786. It shows a land survey for plots given to Revolutionary War veterans in lieu of service.
1786.7 DES POSSESSIONS FRANCOISES AUJOURD'HUI SOUS LA DOMINATION ANGLOISES. Sources indicate this undated and anonymous French map is by Jean Baptiste Louis Clouet, and dates to 1786. It Illustrates the French and British possessions in the eastern part of North America. The British colonies stretch from Florida to Newfoundland and are confined east of the Appalachian mountains. The French Louisiana takes in the entire region west of the mountains. A feature of the map is a system of lakes and rivers stretching from Lake Superior toward the Pacific; the mythical river of the west makes an appearance flowing from the Lake of the Woods. The map is flanked by columns of text that describe the colonial possessions, major settlements, and indigenous people. Blank verso, longitude appears east of Ferro (or maybe Paris). Scale: 1 inch = 214 miles. Size: 12 x 13.5 inches (map).
1787.1 CARTE GENERALE DES ET ETATS DE VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, DELAWARE, PENSILVANIE, NOUVEAU-JERSEY, NEW-YORK, CONNECTICUT ET ISLE DE RHODES AINSI QUE DES LAC ERIE, ONTARIO, ET CHAMPLAIN D'APRES LA CARTE AMERIQUAINE DE LOUIS EVANS ET LA CARTE ANGLAISE DE THOMAS JEFFERYS.... T. II P. 1; grave par P. F. Tardieu (McCorkle #787.6; Sellers & van Ee #717). This map was published in Michel de Crevecoeur's Lettres D'un Cultivateur Ameriquain, Cuchet, Paris 1787, which was a later French edition of the essays first published under the title Letters from an American Farmer (and under the pen name J. Hector St. John) in London 1782. The map includes southern Canada, the northeast south to Virginia and west to Ohio with an inset of Lake Michigan and the upper Mississippi titled ESQUIS SE DURESTE DE LA RIVIERE DE L' OHIO. Only the Pennsylvania region is shown here from this large map. Cte (county) de la Fayette in western Pennsylvania is cited which would date the map after 1783; Bedford and Washington counties are also named but no others. This French map is based upon the famous Lewis Evans map of 1755 published by Jeffreys, and retains many inscriptions in English. Delaware is named but no boundary is shown between it and Pennsylvania. The Philadelphia meridian is used and the Pennsylvania - New York line is correctly shown near the 42nd parallel. In 1801 Crevecoeur published Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l' tat de New-York : par un membre adoptif de la nation On ida, Traduit et publie par l'auteur des Lettres d'un cultivateur am ricain. Paris : Maradan, 1801. This volume also contains several maps. Listed on page 866 of Phillips. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 35 miles. Size: 19 x 26 inches.
  1787.2 CARTE GENERALE DES ETATS-UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE, renfermant aussi quelques Provinces Angloises... Grave par P. F. Tardieu. This is another map from Crevecour's Lettres d'un cultivateur americain, covering eastern North America from Newfoundland to Florida and west to beyond the Mississippi. It is similar to #1797.6 for which an image is shown. McCorkle #787.8.
1787.3 A CORRECT MAP OF THE UNITED STATES OF NORTH AMERICA, INCLUDING THE BRITISH AND SPANISH TERRITORES, CAREFULLY LAID DOWN AGREEABLE TO THE TREATY OF 1784, by T. Bowen, Geogr. Engraved for Bankes's A New Royal, Authentic, and Complete System of Universal Geography, published by Royal Authority (McCorkle #787.1). Phillips, page 865, gives c1787-1810 for publication of Thomas Bankes geography by J. Cook, London. Bowen died in 1790 (Lister) so map preparation must date c1784-90. Sellers & van Ee #756 date it 178?. The Delaware counties are included with Pennsylvania. The treaty of 1784 refers to the end of the Revolutionary War. Longitude is west from London. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 160 miles. Size: 12.5 x 17.5 inches.
  1787.4 CARTE REDUITE DU NORD DES ETATS-UNIS AVEC L'INTERIEUR DU PAYS. This map is from a French history of the Revolutionary War and Pennsylvania just makes it onto the western edge. McCorkle #787.3
  1787.5 ETATS UNIS DE L'AMERIQUE. This is a map of the eastern United States from Lattre's Petit Atlas Moderne, Paris circa 1787-97. Pennsylvania extends to the 43rd parallel and west into Ohio. McCorkle #787.5
  1787.6 NORTH AMERICA INCLUDING THE BRITISH COLONIES AND THE TERRITORIES OF THE UNITED STATES. S. Hollingsworth fecit. D. Lizars sculpt. Edinr. A map of the northeast from Virginia to Newfoundland and west to the Great Lakes, it appeared in The Present State of Nova Scotia..., Edinburgh 1787. Pennsylvania extends to the 43rd parallel with an irregular western boundary. Philadelphia and Lancaster are identified, nothing else. McCorkle #787.7; Sellers & van Ee #191.
  1787.7 (Northeast Coast) An untitled map from Histoire des troubles de l'Amerique Anglaise by Francois Soules, Paris 1787, which shows the coast and some distance inland from Cape Henry to Boston. See also map 1782.13. McCorkle #787.9
1787.8 A MAP OF THE COUNTRY BETWEEN ALBEMARLE SOUND, AND LAKE ERIE, COMPREHENDING THE WHOLE OF VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, DELAWARE AND PENSYLVANIA, with parts of several other of the United States of America. Engraved by S. J. Neele. London, John Stockdale, 1787. This map is attributed to Thomas Jefferson and was published in his Notes on the State of Virginia. As the title says, it includes all of Pennsylvania shown here in a detail from the Library of Congress copy, Phillips page 984. The map is illustrated and discussed in Pritchard & Taliaferro #72.
1787.9 PLAN OF THE LOTS LAID OUT AT PITTSBURG AND THE COAL HILL. Copied by John Hills, surveyor, Philadelphia 1787. This is a manuscript landownership map in the Library of Congress, Sellers & van Ee #1333. There is a similar manuscript map dated 1787 in the Darlington Memorial Library at the University of Pittsburgh. Coal Hill is now called Mount Washington, a name more suitable for upscale living. This image is from the Library of Congress.
  1787.10 A DRAUGHT OF TEN LOTS OF GROUND IN THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, surveyed the 28th August 1787..., a manuscript landownership map in the Library of Congress, Sellers & van Ee #1328.
  1787.11 PLAN OF THE LOTS ON THE GERMANTOWN ROAD AND SIXTH STREET IN THE NORTHERN LIBERTIES OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, THE PROPERTY OF SAMUEL DICKENSON. An anonymous and undated land owership manuscript map dated circa 1787 by the seller. Lot owners named include Samuel Mifflin, the Estate of William Masters Esq., Jacob Rihl, Chas O Niell, John Snyder, Jacob Bowers, Caspar Albert, Michl. Meyer, John Weiser, Thomas Mount, William Henry, William Smith and Nathaniel Gosling. Dickenson was apparently a major land holder in this area. This map was seen for sale and there are probably many unrecorded survey maps like this in archives and attics.
  1787.12 (Samuel Vaughan Diary) Samuel Vaughan created a diary circa 1787 that contains a number of manuscript maps of various places, among them Fort Pitt, Youghiogheny River (Ohiopyle) Falls, and Carlisle; see Docktor #287V5, #287V5.01 - 02. The diary is apparently now in the Library of Congress.
  1787.13 THIS MAP OF PART OF THE NORTHERN BOUNDARY OF PENNSYLVANIA... This two sheet manuscript map can be seen at the Darlington Library dated circa 1787. It was prepared by Benjamin Ellicott as part of the boundary survey and is inscribed to the Supreme Executive Council of the Commonwealth. It appears to be a fragment.
  1787.14 A MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA DIVIDED INTO ITS COUNTIES AND EXHIBITING THE PROPERTY OF JOHN PENN, JUNR. ESQUIRE. This large four sheet manuscript map can be seen at the Darlington Library and is dated 1787. It appears to be a hand copy of the 1770 printed map of Pennsylvania by William Scull.
1787.15 CHART FOR THE JOURNAL OF MR. LE MQUIS. DE CHASTELLUX. There are two maps of this title in Travels in North-America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782 by the Marquis de Chastellux translated from the French by an English gentleman, who resided in America at that period; with notes by the translator, Dublin 1787. The maps are by 'Mr. Dezoteux staff officer in the French army.' The first map (at left) shows the coast from southern Maine down to New Jersey and includes eastern Pennsylvania. It is the same as map 1786.2 above except for the English title. The second map is slightly larger and has the same title but shows the region from Philadelphia south to Cape Henry and west to the mountains. Scale: 1 inch ~ 50 miles. Size: 7 x 9.25 inches.
1788.1 LES TATS UNIS DE L'AM RIQUE SEPTENTRIONALE. PARTIE ORIENTALE. par M. Bonne, Ing nieur-Hydrographe de la Marine. Andre sculp. This map is plate 117 from Nicolas Desmarest & Rigobert Bonne's Atlas Encyclopaedique 1788. The map shows early forts and names such as the Iroquois. The hand coloring may have been done at a later date. Listed in Phillips page 867 and also as McCorkle #788.1, Sellers & van Ee #794. There is a companion plate 118 titled 'Partie Occidentale.' This map can also be seen at MapForum.Com , Issue 1, the January 1999 edition, which includes a checklist of United States maps to 1800. Longitude from Paris at bottom, from Ferro at top. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 50 miles. Size: 14 x 9.5 inches.
1788.2 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. T. Conder sculpt. London. Plate I. Engraved for Dr. Gordon's History of the American War. This map appears in The History of the Rise, Progress... of the United States of America by William Gordon, London 1788. It shows the familiar region from Newfoundland to Florida and west to the Mississippi. An interesting feature is a note just off Virginia giving the location of Mount Vernon. Blank verso, longitude west from London. Scale: 1 inch = 182 miles. Size: 11 x 11.5 inches. McCorkle #788.3
1788.3 GENERALKARTE VON NORDAMERICA SAMT DEN WESTINDISCHEN INSELN verfasst von Herrn Pownall neu herausgegeben von F. A. Schraembl MDCCLXXXVIII. This is a German map, by Franz Anton, of the east coast from Newfoundland to the Carolinas. Two-thirds of it is taken up by the Atlantic Ocean and an enormous cartouche. It extends just far enough west to include almost all of Pennsylvania with its northern boundary extending to about 42d 30m as seen in this close up . Lake Erie is called "Okswego See." The map is from Schrambl's Allgemeiner Grosser Atlas, begun in 1786. McCorkle #788.6. Longitude west from Ferro; blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 80 miles. Size: 20 x 22.5 inches.
1788.4 TO THE PATRONS OF THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE THIS MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA IS DEDICATED BY THEIR OBLIGED AND OBED'T SERV'NTS THE PROPRIETORS. A map in the Columbian Magazine, v. 2, for T. Seddon, Philadelphia 1788. This same map appeared as A POCKET MAP OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia: Printed by William Spotswood 1790. Circa 1937-39 the United States Constitution Sesqui-centennial Commission had photostatic copies made of maps of all 13 original states, plus some US maps, as they were at the time of the Constitution adoption, circa late 1780s. For some reason, likely its date, they picked this map to represent Pennsylvania. The reproduction, as can be seen, is poor by modern digital standards. Phillips page 678, Wheat & Brun #426, 431.
  1788.5 A PLAN OF THE TOWNSHIPS OF MOYAMENSING AND PASSYUNK THE DISTRICT OF SOUTHWARK IN THE COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA AND IN THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA shewing the intended New Roads and Streets as laid out by the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly in the Year 1787, by John Hills. Surveyed by John Hills 1788. A manuscript map of what is today South Philly in the Philadelphia City Archives. There are two manuscript versions by Hills and two circa 1790 copies by Charles de Krafft. The Krafft copy is illustrated in M. P. Snyder, Figure 90.
1789.1 A NEW MAP OF THE STATES OF PENSYLVANIA NEW JERSEY NEW YORK CONNECTICUT RHODE ISLAND MASSACHUSETS AND NEW HAMPSHIRE INCLUDING NOVA SCOTIA AND CANADA, from the latest authorities, engraved for Gordon's History of the American War. C. Tiebout Sculpt. N. York 1789. This map is from The History of the rise, progress, and establishment, of the Independence of the United States of America : including an account of the late war, and of the Thirteen Colonies, from their origin to that period, by William Gordon, D.D., in three volumes, New-York : Printed by Hodge, Allen, and Campbell, and sold at their respective book-stores, 1789; as listed in the LOC catalog. The map shows the northeastern United States, the Great Lakes area and much of eastern Canada. Several towns are named including Bedford, Ft. Pitt, Venango Ft; rivers are shown and named. A key at the right side of the map provided symbols for boundaries, towns, forts and Indian villages. The first edition was published in London in 1788 (see 1788.2) and then in New York in 1789; the LOC also has 1794, 1801 editions. Listed in McCorkle #789.9, Sellers and Van Ee #197. Originally folded, blank verso, longitude from London at top, Philadelphia at bottom. Scale: 1 inch = 112 miles. Size: 10.5 x 16 inches.
1789.2 MAP FOR THE INTERIOR TRAVELS THROUGH AMERICA, delineating the march of the army. T. Conder sculpsit. This map is from Travels Through the Interior Parts of America by Thomas Anburey, London 1789, and includes the region from Maine to Viriginia and west to Lake Erie. Most of Pennsylvania is shown and a few towns in the east named, especially Valley Forge. Auburey was an officer in the British army of General John Burgoyne, and his account is one of better ones. The map is color coded to illustrate the marches as described at top left. The four marches shown on this copy are: Fort Ticonderoga to Saratoga; Saratoga to Charlottesville; Charlottesville to Lancaster; and Lancaster to New York. Although six routes are indicated in the legend, only four (brown, green, yellow, blue) are marked on this copy. This is an unusual map in that the printed legend of the marches requires a hand addition. McCorkle #789.5. Size: 15.75 x 14 inches. Scale: 1 inch = 39 miles.
1789.3 A MAP OF THE NORTHERN AND MIDDLE STATES; comprehending the Western Territory and the British Dominions in North America. Compiled from the best authorities. Delineated and engrav'd for Morses Geography by Amos Doolittle New-Haven. This map appeared in the American Geography by Jedidiah Morse. It shows the area from Labrador to Virginia and west to include the Great Lakes. Pennsylvania is shown with the modern boundaries but without the Erie triangle. There is a table at top left naming counties in New York and New England. Morse's geography contained an accompaning southern states map. McCorkle #789.6; Sellers & van Ee #194; Wheat & Brun #149, 153. Blank verso, longitude west from London at top, from Philadelphia at bottom. Scale: 1 inch = 111 miles. Size: 12.5 x 15.5 inches.
1789.4 NORTH AMERICA wherein are particularly distinguished the British Dominions, the United States, and the adjacent Spanish territories. By Thomas Kitchin hydrographer to His Majesty. London Printed for Robert Sayer Fleet Street as the Act directs June 1st. 1789. A map of eastern North America. McCorkle #789.8, 794.11. Image from the Heritage Map Museum CD by permission.
1789.5 PLANO DE LA BAHIA DE LA WARE Y ENTRADA DE FILADELFIE..., a manuscript map of Delaware Bay attributed to Jossef del Campo, probably copied from Joshua Fisher's map 1775.7. This image is from the Library of Congress where the map is dated 178?. Sellers & van Ee #1373. For a similar Spanish manuscript map, see Docktor #28_U5, #284C5.
  1789.6 DESCRIPCION HIDOGRAFICA, QUE COMPREHENDE LA AMERICA SEPTENTRIONAL, DESDE LA PUNTA, Y RIO DE SN. JUAN, HASTA FILADELFIA..., a manuscript map of the east coast from Delaware Bay south which includes three profiles of the entrance to Delaware Bay. This map, attributed to del Campo, was probably made around the same time as the one above, and is dated 178? by Sellers & van Ee #765.
  1789.7 FROM NEW YORK (46) TO FRANKFORD; FROM NEW YORK (47) TO PHILADELPHIA; FROM PHILADELPHIA (51) TO ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND; FROM PHILADELPHIA (52) TO ANNAPOLIS MARYLD. These are a series of road maps, all in three vertical strips, that appeared in A Survey of the Roads of the United States 1789 by Christopher Colles, see the References. Wheat & Brun #427-30.
1789.8 (Southeastern Pennsylvania) This untitled map of southeastern Pennsylvania, northern Maryland and Delaware, appeared in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society in 1789. Its purpose was to show a proposed road network. It is illustrated in a detail in Papenfuse & Coale and here in a photo. The contraption on the left has nothing to do with the map.
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