WELCOME 1860'S Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

The 1860's brought the Civil War, although map publishing seems to have gone on as usual. The Mitchells and Coltons were joined by Alvin Jewett Johnson to form a big three of American map publishing. Civil War maps have been described by McElfresh, and some Virginia Civil War maps appear in Stephenson & McKee.

Cameron County with the county seat at Emporium became the 66th county in 1860.

1860 PHYSIKALISCHE KARTE DES ALLEGHANY - SYSTEMS. Nach Allen Vorhandenen Messungen und Untersuchungen Gezeichnet von Ernest Sandoz. Gotha: Justus Perthes 1860. A. Peterman, Dir. Jahrgang 1860. This map, attributed to A. Guyot, is from Peterman's Geographical Journal and is a detailed engraving of the Allegheny Mountain system from Maine to North Carolina with insets of the White Mountains (New Hampshire) and the Black Mountains (Ashville area of North Carolina). Only geographical features are shown, no state boundaries appear though a few towns are identified. The mountains are shown by intricate etching, a characteristic of German cartography of the period. Listed on page 909 of Phillips. Longitude west from Greenwich. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 95 miles. Size: 9.5 x 16 inches.
1861 U. S. COAST SURVEY SKETCH SHOWING THE PROGRESS OF THE SURVEY ON THE ATLANTIC GULF OF MEXICO AND PACIFIC COAST OF THE UNITED STATES TO NOVEMBER, 1861, published by the U. S. Coast Survey, A. D. Bache, Supdt. This map is a preliminary draft of the east coast survey with the west coast as an inset. A statistics table gives survey data. These draft maps were prepared periodically and are cruder than a finished map. Maps like this one (but preferably on a larger scale) were in great demand by the Navy who were implementing a southern blockade, and by Confederate smugglers who were trying to evade it. No inland detail is given and only the Pennsylvania region is shown here. Pennsylvania is a coastal state, but just barely. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 80 miles. Size: 26 x 24 inches.
1862 MAP OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, 1862. Drawn by Benjamin H. Smith, Delaware County. R.L. Barnes, Philadelphia for the Delaware County Institute of Science. This county map shows roads, rail lines, churches, post offices and other businesses. Most, but not all, of the map can be seen in this image; No. 739 in Stephenson (1967). Originally folded, blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 1 miles. Size: 17 x 19 inches.
1863 JOHNSON'S PENNSYLVANIA, VIRGINIA, DELAWARE, AND MARYLAND by Johnson and Ward, pages 32, 33 from Johnson's Family Atlas of 1863. The map has insert views of Richmond, University of Virginia, and Fortress Monroe. The western portion of Pennsylvania is shown here, but the most interesting feature of this map is the depiction of West Virgina, admitted as a state in 1863. The boundary separation from Virginia is a hand addition and the color wash then applied as though the state has been there all along. The northeastern boundary of West Virginia is not correctly shown, two additional Virginia counties should have been included. This may be the first map published showing West Virginia. A year later Johnson published a map of just Pennsylvania and New Jersey of the same size. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 24 miles. Size: 18 x 26.5 inches.
1864 MAP OF THE BATTLE FIELD OF GETTYSBURG. JULY 1st., 2nd., & 3rd. 1863, T. Sinclair's Lith. Philada. No list of Pennsylvania maps would be complete without one of the Gettysburg battlefield and this one comes from The Rebel Invasion of Maryland & Pennsylvania and Battle of Gettysburg, by M. Jacobs, published by J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia 1864. Jacobs was a professor at Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, and an eyewitness to the battle. His booklet was very popular, going to seven editions by 1909. The battle became famous from the day it ended and many battlefield maps appeared during the rest of the 19th century, see McElfresh. The Union divisions are shown in red and the Confederate in blue, the reverse of the usual coloring. An attempt to show the entire battle is made by giving dates to the various positions. For more on Civil War mapping, see the Civil War Maps Collection at the Library of Congress. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 0.25 mile. Size: 18 x 12 inches.
1865 MAP OF SOUTHERN OR SCHUYLKIL COAL BASIN, S. H. Sweet Dept. Engr. & Surr. 1865. This is a map of Schuylkill County with parts of Northumberland, Dauphin, and Berks. It is printed blue on white with the coal basin shown in brown. Although the purpose is to show the extent of coal deposits, the map also presents a detailed picture of towns, roads, and the complex topography of the region. This map comes from State of New York - No. 71 - In Senate March 18, 1865. Communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor, transmitting a Special Report on Coal. [...] as prepared by S.H. Sweet, late Deputy State Engineer and Surveyor. This New York state report was mainly concerned with how coal might be transported into New York and so the maps show roads, rail lines, and canals. The report contained nine maps of which this is one. Of the nine, five are of Pennsylvania including THE OIL REGIONS OF PENNSYLVANIA AND WESTERN VIRGINIA by Sweet, which is one of the earliest oil field maps. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 1.625 miles. The scale is also given in perches. Size: 17 x 28.5 inches.
1866 NEW JERSEY PENNSYLVANIA DELAWARE AND MARYLAND, drawn by J. Wells N. Y., Eng. by George E. Sherman N. Y. This map is from McNally's System of Geography, by Francis McNally. Francis is not the McNally of Rand - McNally, that was Andrew. There is an insert of the Philadelphia area. The verso is page 25 with text. Longitude from Washington at top, west from Greenwich at bottom. Scale: 1 inch = 38 miles. Size: 11 x 9 inches.
1867 COLTON'S PENNSYLVANIA. This Colton map is from The Pennsylvania Legislative Hand-Book 1867 by John Smull. Smull was the resident clerk of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and he apparently grew tired of politicians with no idea of where to go or of what to do when they got there. So he conceived the idea of a hand-book filled with topical information that would be useful to legislators. The full title of the book is Manual of Rules of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania and Legislative Directory; together with the Constitutions of the United States and of Pennsylvania. It was printed by Singerly & Myers, Harrisburg, the contract state printers. The 14 x 16 inch map is hand colored on vellum type paper and also printed by Singerly & Myers, presumably using a Colton plate. The eastern portion of the state is shown here. The map folded into the front of the hand-book and attached to the back was a plan of the Senate and House chambers so legislators could find their seats. Although this 1867 hand-book (which may be the first one issued) used a Colton map, later versions used unattributed maps apparently prepared by the state. Prior to Smull's handbook, legislators used Sutherland's Legislative Manual of the State of Pennsylvania, published by L.Johnson and Company, Philadelphia. It had no map.
1868 MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA SHEWING ROUTES BY RAILROAD & WATER FROM THE COAL FIELDS INTO THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Van B. Richmond, State Engineer and Surveyor, R.C. Dorn, S.T. Hayt, J.D. Fay, Canal Commissioners 1868. Lith. of The Argus Co., Albany N.Y. This map was originally folded into a New York State Canal Commissioners Report 1869. The report had a large map of New York showing railroads and canals and this map of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The coal fields are shown in brown shading, the railroads and canals by distinctive black lines, and this is an attractive map. There is a longitude and latitude grid but the lines are not numbered. This map was essentially copied from a map of similar title that appeared in a New York state report by S. H. Sweet in 1865 mentioned above. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 12.6 miles. Size: 21 x 30 inches.
1869 PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW JERSEY, published by A. & C. Black, Edinburgh 1869. Rail lines and roads are shown, and some townships are named but not all. This map appears to have printed color, which appeared about this time, and the paper is heavier than usual. It has a modern look. Longitude west form Greenwich at bottom, from Washington at top. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 24 miles. Size: 11 x 15 inches.
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