WELCOME 1930's Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

The maps show the wide range of different map types used in more modern times.

1930 STREAM MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA, copyright 1930 by Bureau of Publications, Department of Property and Supplies, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Base map prepared by Pennsylvania Topographic and Geologic Survey. The streams are shown in blue, and basins outlined with red dots. The map also shows townships, towns, and some rail lines. In 1917 the Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania published the 650+ page Gazetteer of Streams, from which this map is an outgrowth. This is the original precursor to a better known map first published in 1965. Howard Higbee, a professor at Penn State, improved and updated this map and it was published by Penn State and sold until about 1980. The rights to the Higbee map were bought out in the 1990s and so called "Higbee Maps" were made for other states as well. For obvious reasons, these maps are popular with fishermen. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 6 miles. Size: 31 x 54 inches.
1931 NEW ENGLAND AND MIDDLE ATLANTIC STATES, Figure 106, page 97, from Advanced Geography by R. E. Dodge & E. E. Lackey, 1931 edition, published by Rand McNally & Co., Chicago. This is a 450 page school textbook with many color maps and black & white maps and illustrations. Pennsylvania appears in this one page spread, small black & white maps of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are also in the book. Scale: 1 inch = 140 miles. Size: 8.25 x 6.25 inches.
1932 THE CITY OF READING AND SUBURBS, compliments of Francis F. Seidel, Inc. Funeral Home. No printer is identified on this undated map. It has a 4 digit phone number and likely dates to the late 20's, early 30's. The street layout for the city of Reading, now fifth largest in the state, is shown. There is a key around the map for an index of streets listed on the verso. Size: 11 x 16.5 inches.
1933 POLK'S STREET MAP OF PITTSBURGH, R. L. Polk & Co., 545 6th Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. This is a large 40 x 35 inch street map of the city containing a gazetteer of streets on the verso with grid locations. However, it also has this just as interesting bird's eye view photo of the downtown area. The varying alignments of the street grids made necessary by Pittsburgh's topography are clearly shown. This view is before the urban renewel that replaced the rail yard at the Point with a state park and new buildings. The Point bridges shown are also the old ones.
1934 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, a map that appears on a train schedule copyright 1934 by Redfield Downey Odell Corporation, New York. This company apparently were the printers with the contract to turn out PRR train schedules. Although the map is dated 1934, it may have been printed later as many train schedules used the same map for years. Size: 9 x 16 inches.
1935 PENNSYLVANIA, page 87 from Our USA - A Gay Geography with text by Frank J. Taylor and maps by Ruth Taylor, Little, Brown & Co. Boston 1935 (Legear L114). The word 'gay' meant 'happy' in 1935. The book is 113 pages of illustration and text and each map has a page of text next to it. Territories of the time were included and the verso of this map is page 88 with text on the Phillipine Islands. The map has little geographic detail but is filled with colorful cartoon illustrations representing industries and local attractions. Scale: 1 inch = 30 miles. Size: 9.5 x 13 inches.
1936 THE TELEPHONE MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA, compiled by Pennsylvania State Telephone & Traffic Association, Harrisburg, Pa. August 1, 1936. This map contains a key listing dozens of local telephone companies identified by number on the map. Most are all gone now. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 10 miles. Size: 18.5 x 32 inches.
1937 PRESQUE ISLE THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE PARK AT ERIE, an advertisement map from Rider's-on-the-Bay and Erie Marine Supply; prepared by Warren H. Boyer. There is a date, 5-6-37, along the bottom and a small inset map of the state is at right. The depiction of Erie and its waterfront is rudimentary. This sand spit is the most popular of the many state parks and millions of dollars have been spent, and will be spent, to keep it from washing away. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 600 feet. Size: 16 x 23 inches.
1938 PENNSYLVANIA, pages 224-225 from Hammond's Standard Atlas and Gazetteer of the World published by Standard American Corporation, Chicago, 1938. This is a double page atlas map shown in east and west images here. The verso has images of southeastern Pennsylvania and Oregon. Size: 11 x 18 inches.
1939 NEW YORK CENTRAL SYSTEM WATER LEVEL ROUTE. This map is inside a 12 page 9 x 16 inch booklet titled PITTSBURGH AND LAKE ERIE TIMETABLES, which are effective November 1, 1939. However, the map is copyright 1933 by Poole Bros. Inc. Chicago. Only the part of the map centered on Pennsylvania is shown here; and it illustrates part of the Pennsylvania Railroad's competition. The other part being the Baltimore and Ohio to the south. Note the attempt to illustrate the topography; use our railroad and you don't have to go over any mountains.






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