WELCOME Pennsylvania Regional Maps 1640's WELCOME

In the 1640's Swedish, Dutch, and English settlers in some numbers began to colonize the west bank of the Delaware River and the Schuylkill River.

  1641 NOVVELLE FRANCE, a manuscript map drawn on animal hide probably by a Jesuit missionary. It is known as the "Huron Map" and shows the Great Lakes region; indicating (apparently) Chesapeake Bay by an inlet between "La Virginie" and "La Novvelle Flandrs". The territory of the Iroquois covers much of Pennsylvania. The original is in the Canada Archives and it is illustrated as Map 8 in Hayes.
  1643.1 DESCRIPTION DE LA NOVVELLE FRANCE by Jean Boisseau (Burden #261). In 1643, Jean Boisseau published an expanded version of Champlain's 1632 map. Some consider this the first map to illustrate and name all five Great Lakes, although the imagination is needed to see Lake Michigan and the claim works only if the lake is attributed to one of the river systems depicted, or to a 'Lac des Puans' located north of Lake Superior. Lake Erie is a tiny pond named 'Lac Derie' (or Lac D' Erie?). A second state of this map with some name additions was issued circa 1664. This map is shown at The Cartographic Creation of New England
1646.1 CARTE SECONDA GENERALE DEL' AMERICA by Sir Robert Dudley from Dell' Arcano del Mare published in 1646, the first printed English nautical atlas. And no, this is not the paramour of Elisabeth Rex, but his son. The Maryland Archives (quoting other sources) says the following: "Sir Robert Dudley (also Duke of Northumberland, Earl of Warwick) lived from 1574 to 1649. He was the illegitimate son of the Earl of Leicester, the favorite of Elizabeth the First. He first became a buccaneer, sacking Spanish towns with Sir Francis Drake and visiting the New World. He made a voyage to the West Indies and Guiana in 1594 in the 'Earwig' and the 'Bear,' his pilots being Abraham Kendal and John Davies. These pilots supplied some of the information for his charts and some also probably came from his brother-in-law, Henry Cavendish, the navigator. Dudley was forced to leave England because of his religion and went to Italy, where he took service with Cosmos II, Duke of Tuscany, and where his maps were published in Italian rather than in his native tongue." This is one of two charts relating to North America (Burden #267) and shows the coast from Nova Scotia to 'C. Canaveral'. 'Delawar Bay' is named and 'C. May', however what had been Cape Henlopen becomes 'C. James'. A 1661 version of this chart can be seen at MapForum.Com , Issue 2. The image shown here is from Stokes.
1647.1 NOVA BELGICA ET ANGLIA NOVA by Johannes Jansson. This map shows the middle Atlantic region and is an example of the second state of Jansson's 1636 map. In 1647 Jansson altered the title of the 1636 map to match that of the 'upside down' Blaeu map of 1635. The map includes early additions of the names N. Amsterdam, Manbattes and the Zuydt Rivier (the Delaware). Image from the Heritage Map Museum CD by permission.
  1648.1 CARTA PARTICOLARE DELLA NUOUA BELGIA... by Sir Robert Dudley from Dell' Arcano del Mare. This map (Burden #278) appears in the sixth part of Dudley's atlas, apparently published in 1648, where 'C. Hinlopen' reappears and 'C. James' is farther south. An image of this map from the 1661 second edition can be seen at The Cartographic Creation of New England .
  1648.2 CARTA PARTICOLARE DELLA VIRGINIA.... However, the very next map (Burden #279) in Dudley's series names 'B. DellaWar' with 'C. May' and 'C. James'. This map can be seen at Hargrett Library Rare Map Collection - Colonial America . A 1661 version is reproduced in Pritchard & Taliaferro #9. A following map (Burden #280) is titled CARTA PARTICOLARE DELLA COFTA DI FLORIDA E DI VIRGINIA and is on a smaller scale extending further south. The Delaware Bay representation is similar. It can be argued that none of these 1648 Dudley maps should be included here as they show nothing away from the coast and hence likely nothing of Pennsylvania.
  1648.3 VIRGINIA, from the Atlas Minor of Mercator, another derivative of Smith's map from Jansson published in Amsterdam 1648. Listed as derivative 7 by Verner (in Chapter 4 of Tooley) and as #287 by Burden. This was a reengraving of the 1628 original with no new information. See map 1651.4.
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