WELCOME 1880's Pennsylvania Maps WELCOME

The longitude of Greenwich was selected as the Prime Meridian at an international conference in 1884, however maps made in the United States continued to use both Greenwich and Washington meridians for a few more years. Most of the maps shown here have printed color.

Two new map publishers make an appearance here. Founded as a printing company in Chicago by William Rand in 1856, this small company became Rand, McNally in 1868, expanded into publishing in 1871, and published their first railroad map in 1873. The company of Blanchard & Cram was founded in 1867 and became the George F. Cram Company in 1869 with a move to Chicago. Both companies are still in existence, though Rand McNally is much larger.

1880 RAND, MCNALLY & CO'S COUNTY AND RAILROAD MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA - 25 CENT SERIES, Rand, McNally & Co., Map Publishers and engravers, Chicago, Copyright 1880. This is a pocket map in a 6 x 3.5 inch paperback folder with the folded map attached to the back cover. The map is printed in red and black on thin paper and shows rail lines and many towns. On the inside front cover is an explanation of the index and on the back cover is a list of other maps available in the series. A fully indexed map cost 50 cents. Most of the map is shown here. Longitude west from Greenwich at top, from Washington at bottom. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 17 miles. Size: 14 x 20 inches.
1881 PENNSYLVANIA, by John Bartholomew & Co. Edin. for J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. This map of uncertain date was originally bound along the vertical centerline, and is dated to the early 1880s by towns shown and use of the Washington meridian. The famous British map publisher Bartholomew died in 1893. The most likely candidate for the source of this map is Zell's descriptive hand atlas of the world published in Philadelphia by T. E. Zell in1881. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 28 miles. Size: 8.5 x 11 inches.
1882 MAP OF THE NEW OIL FIELD, from page 538 of Harper's Weekly, August 26, 1882. This small map is interesting for two reasons. First, Harper's Weekly was an American institution in the late 19th century. Second, it shows the oil fields in northwestern Pennsylvania and their date of drilling. The earliest is, of course, Drake's well near Titusville. This map was actually incidental to the purpose of the article, which was to show some engraved scenes of the oil field life drawn by Theo. R. Davis, a prominent illustrator of the time. Scale: 1 inch = 50 miles. Size: 5.5 x 4 inches.
1883 GRAY'S NEW MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA, by Frank A. Gray, copyright 1883 by O. W. Gray & Son. Frank was the son. Pages 54, 55 from The National Atlas Containing Elaborate Topographical Maps of the United States, Special Edition for Pennsylvania, Stedman & Brown, Publishers, Philadelphia; O. W. Gray & Son, Geographical Establishment (LeGear L3609). This large and beautiful map has hand color, townships are indicated by color and name, and west and east views are shown here. Listed on page 688 of Phillips. Longitude west from Greenwich at bottom, from Washington at top. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 17 miles. Size: 16 x 27 inches.
1884 SKELETON GEOLOGICAL MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA - PLATE X, from County Geological Maps, J. P. Lesley, State Geologist, Julius Bien, Lith., Lane S. Hart, State Printer. The atlas contains this map and 61 pages of county geological maps dating between 1878 and 1884, and was another printing on heavier paper of A Geological Hand Atlas of the Sixty Seven Counties of Pennsylvania. Both atlases were published in 1885 although the latest date on the maps is 1884. A short history of the Geological Survey is given by Hoskins. Blank verso. Size: 9 x 12 inches.
1885 MAP OF PENNSYLVANIA DRAWN AND ENGRAVED ON COPPER-PLATE EXPRESSLY FOR JOHNSON'S CYCLOPAEDIA, from A. J. Johnson's Universal Cyclopedia 1885. Johnson originally worked for Colton and some history of him is given in Ristow. He stopped publishing atlases in the 1880's and turned to encyclopedias. This map is hand colored. Longitude from Washington at bottom, west from Greenwich at top. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 30 miles. Size 10.5 x 13 inches.
1886 TUNISON'S PENNSYLVANIA, pages 54, 55 from a Tunison's Atlas circa 1886, this map is undated but has 1880 census data. It has the brilliant color characteristic of Henry Tunison maps, though how he obtained it seems to be something of a mystery. Rail lines are shown but not roads. The verso has single page maps of North Carolina and New Jersey. Longitude from Greenwich at bottom, from Washington at top. Scale: 1 inch = 17 miles. Size: 13 x 21 inches.
1887 PENNSYLVANIA, copyright 1887 by Wm. M. Bradley & Bro., Philadelphia. This map is Plate 42 from an atlas and hand colored despite the date. It may come from An Atlas of the Middle States, published by Bradley in 1887 (LeGear L3615); or from Bradley's Atlas of the World for Commercial and Library Reference, for which 1885 and 1889 editions have been seen. The east is shown here. Longitude from Greenwich at top, from Washington at bottom. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 14 miles. Size: 19 x 26 inches.
1888 PENNSYLVANIA, published by Major, Knapp & Co., Park Pl. N. Y. This image contains two very similar maps, both measure about 2.25 x 3.5 inches and are on the back of a small trading card. The top map is from a series of 48 issued by Duke's Cameo Cigarettes, W. Duke Sons & Co., Durham, N. C., and originally had a trifold to fit in the pack. Text surrounds it with some state history and the census date of 1880. This card series is one of the few with state maps, others are the Arbuckle series of 1889 and 1915, and the Youth's Companion series of 1891. The front of the card has 3 panels showing the State Seal, Governor Beaver, and Penn talking to Indians. Beaver became governor in 1887, so the card dates 1887-90. The bottom map is almost identical but lacks the publisher name, is printed on stiffer paper, and likely from a chewing or pipe tobacco pouch. Longitude west from Greenwich. Scale: 1 inch = 95 miles.
1889 PENNSYLVANIA, from Cram's Unrivaled Family Atlas of the World, Indexed, 1889, edition revised to April 1, 1889, copyright 1887 by George F. Cram Company, Donohue & Henneberry Printers, Chicago. Longitude from Greenwich at top, from Washington at bottom. Blank verso. Scale: 1 inch = 17 miles. Size: 13 x 20 inches.
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